New BGGSe crystals High optical damage threshold (110 MW/cm2) Wide spectral transparency range (from 0.5 to 18 μm) High nonlinearity (d11 = 66 ± 15 pm/V) Typically applied in frequency conversion of laser radiation into (or within) the mid-IR range Most effic...
LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA 2022 Booth No. W4-4836 Our partner from Element Six It is our great pleasure to say that for the very first time, our partner from Element Six(E6) will attend this trade fa...
OYSS 2021 12-15 December 2021 What is this seminar about? The 5th Optical Young Scientists Seminar will be hold at FuZhou City in 12nd-15th, Dec. 2021. This semina...
International Advanced Fiber Laser (AFL) Conference 5-7 November 2021 What is this conference about? The International Advanced Fiber Laser (AFL) Conference is a p...
High power and high energy laser technology and application seminar September 26th-28th, 2021 High power laser based on its power and energy effects, contributed a lot to the development of physics, material science, life science, energy sicience. A...
CIOP An annual conference with comprehensive topics on optics and photonics, was initiated in 2008 by Chinese Laser Press, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. ...