We demonstrate for the first time the generation of octave-spanning mid-infrared using a BGSe nonlinear crystal. A Cr:ZnS laser system delivering 28-fs pulses at a central wavelength of 2.4 µm is used as the pump source, which drives the intra-pulse difference frequency generation inside the BGSe crystal. As a result, a coherent broadband mid-infrared continuum spanning from 6 to 18 µm has been obtained. It shows that the BGSe crystal is a promising material for broadband, few-cycle mid-infra...
A compact and robust all-solid-state mid-infrared (MIR) laser at 6.45 µm with high average output power and near- Gaussian beam quality is demonstrated. A maximum output power of 1.53 W with a pulse width of approximately 42 ns at 10 kHz is achieved using a ZnGeP2 (ZGP) optical parametric oscillator (OPO). This is the highest average power at 6.45 µm of any all-solid-state laser to the best of our knowledge. The average beam quality factor is measured to be M2 =1.19. Moreover, high output pow...
We demonstrate a high-efficiency continuous-wave (CW) diamond Raman laser operating at 1178 nm with enhanced stability by using a V-cavity design. A maximum Stokes power of 39 Wwith a conversion efficiency of 45% was achieved using a linearly-polarized 1018 nm Yb-doped fiber pump laser. The Stokes CW power stability showed superior stability over a linear cavity when characterized over periods up to 15 min. The Stokes output was found to switch between linear, elliptical, and random polarizat...